Friday 18 July 2008

And so it begins...and I broke my glasses

Firstly I want to thank all who came to our leaving birthday do. It was so wonderful to have you all there. It's not goodbe forever, you're in our hearts always.

The house is done! I promised Daniel I would chill as soon as we got in the car to leave as I would be so happy it was all done. However I just started worrying about the trip!

What an adventure is coming our way.

Saying goodbye to grandparents was emotional.

I hope we can chill a little now!

I lost my balance and my hand landed on my glasses on the dining table and I completely screwed up the arm. Trip to opticians tomorrow :(

I have to thank everyone who contributed to my birthday pressie - a dslr camera! its an olympus E 500!

photos to follow when Im less tired!

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