It has hit me tonight, harder than since flying home from the funeral, how much I miss my dear dear Nan who passed away in August last year.
Tonight I just feel heart broken. I have just been sobbing, as if it was a new concept to me. Is this normal?
I feel guilty (of sorts) and gutted remembering the times after her stroke when she would cry and ask me to come home. I would so dearly have loved to 'see her again' and I know this can never happen. She cried when I left the UK and said we might not see each other again. I thought we would. She was strong, resilient.
I miss you Nan. I will never ever forget you. I love you. Here are some flowers I know you would love. I know you kept them always for Grampy and Andrew. - My Grandad died when I was 3 and my counsin died tragically in a car accident in his 30s.
I need to get some real flowers for you very soon.
I know my Dad is acting silly chasing the cat here, but I love how relaxed my Nan looks. This is the last time I saw her.
90 days to go until Spring Break according to a colleagues facebook.
I have found that once school is back my time is spent in a whirlwind. It feel like I have no time to do what I want to do, like read my book, or play on the wii, or watch movies. It feels like a scramble from start to finish!
But how can this be? I hear you say? Teacher's have it easy don't they?
I love my job but I do not love getting up at 5.30am to be honest. I have never been a morning person and I am so tired all week, one night this week I was in bed by 7.30pm! Not all schools here start as early, - some are early start and some are late. I am looking forward to the later start when we move back to the UK - which will be later this year.
Plus I am tutoring again Monday and Tuesday which I am enjoying but means I don't get home til 5pm so out of the house almost 12 hours.
I love my job, but nurturing and teaching 15 5 - 6 year olds does take it out of you!
Anyways, here's to the weekend! Though it will go by too week is a 3 day weekend due to Martin Luther King Day.
My winter break has truly been perfect. Let me break down some of the highlights for you.
I love to travel so dearly. To see places I have never seen before. Sometimes it almost makes me crazy that there are so many places in the world I haven't seen. Almost like I don't have enough time and money to do it all!
Chicago was awesome, the hotel was awesome (Hard Rock Hotel) , we saw many places despite the snow and rain and wind. I loved the buildings in Chicago. So beautiful. Trump tower as seen below was my favorite, closed followed by the corn cob building!
I have 3 books to read! I have started on The Gift by Cecilia Aherne and I am really liking it. Daniel got it for me at Christmas. I is about a very busy office type guy who helps a homeless man get a job in his office...and I won't spoil it but it is a little fantastical too as her books sometimes are. I also have Knit the season and The secret life of CeeCee Wilkes to read.
If you haven't watched this series that was abruptly canceled, you should. Can not, for the life of me see why, but sometimes things remain true gems when they are not exploited. We have been watching it over the last few weeks and decided on New Years Day we would have a pajama day and finish watching it, plus the movie that followed to wrap things up called 'Serenity'. I just loved it.
Usually on New Years Eve we stay home, one of us cooks, we watch the celebrations on TV. This year we went out to dinner at Sushi 101 with Daniel's colleagues and our friends John and Steve. We then went on to a small house party with people we know through a fore mentioned John and Steve. Nice to do something different on Dec 31st for a change.
Has been a source of fun since I got it for Christmas. I love the Rayman's Ravin' Rabbids game, and the wii sports bowling, tennis and baseball. Tyring very hard to pace myself with buying of games becasue they are not cheap! But I would like Mario Kart next!!
I haven't even been ill this break which is fantastic. I have had some weird balance and headachey sensations going on since boxing day, but very on and off so going to see how it goes this week.
Back to school tomorrow, and I do miss my children in my class, but I am a little sad to see this winter break end. It has been so refreshing, relaxing and fun too. Perfect.