Sunday, 21 September 2008

If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops....

I heart that song.

Sleep wise the week was great. I still feel exhausted even though I got plenty of sleep each night! This weekend I slept 10 hours each night plus 3 in the day on Saturday. And I could still go to bed right now! (6pm)

Friday was a fun school trip to the nature museum where I saw many a creature including Mink, Owls, Skunks and a snake which I touched.
I have noticed

On American TV commercials can slag off their rivals and name them. There is one right now bitchin at pop tarts promoting toastie pockets!
The same in politics. It seems to be about dissing the opposition.
Aside from that I must give a shout out to Daniel - my offical but BEST teacher's assistant. xxx

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