Saturday, 10 January 2009

Back to life, back to reality.....

I love my job here. I really do. My colleagues are my best friends and are so supportive and lovely. I love my kids in my class.

What a change this week has been from the weeks I had off. I haven't blogged. I haven't taken any photos. Most days I have slept for 3 or more hours when I have got home then slept all night too. I feel like my interests and so on go on the back burner a bit! I do miss having half terms ever 6 - 7 weeks. It is a short focus for some time off.

Next time I get time off is for a week in April. Though then it won't be long til 9 weeks off in the summer.

Money is frustrating me too. We literally have money for bread, milk, and petrol if we are lucky. I dont get paid for 3 weeks. It is a 6 week pay month because of the Christmas dates. We will make it through and it should be the last month it is this hard. I hope. We have to save for summer though as I only get paid for 10 months of the year. So if you would like to make a donation please go ahead haha. Or send the money fairy to me.

Posting a pretty picture to cheer me up. Of New York. I'm so glad we did it. Yes we had to pay slowly over time for it, something each month but it was worth it.


lindschick said...

Wow pretty picture.

If I see the money fairy after I've had a little word with her I'll send her your way!!! It's quite a long time between holidays, I should think you and the kids are both exhausted by the time the holidays come.

kelly said...

totally with you on the money thing! I cant even afford to have the gas on ! january is such a long month! keep ya chin up things can only get better x