Sunday 1 March 2009

Pancakes....or crepes.....

We just HAD to celebrate shrove Tuesday (though we did it Wednesday) even though it is not a known about celebration or even in the USA. They do lent but shrove Tuesday just doesn't exist here. I was insistent we were not going to make American pancakes (the thicker, kinda like huge scotch pancakes) but that we would make the crepe style we usually have at home. It went very well! I have given up chocolate! I did it last year too.

Jiffy lemon just doesn't exist so we used fresh lemons, sugar, syrup, chocolate sauce etc. Daniel was the chef ( I only bought all the stuff) and so we made them from scratch. We made them again on Saturday for breakfast too!

It was pay day Friday and I got a new handbag (from a thrift store)! I've been needing one that isn't made from cloth and is a bit smarter for when we go out. Here it is.....

I fell in love with this journal but gave it to my friend Amy for her birthday which is today.

I also made this for has been a long time since I altered anything. I managed to get some good deals in Michaels, like 8 12 x 12 papers for $1! I am now looking for a balnk journal so i can scrap our New York Christmas photos. Especially as I will be more alone in the evenings when Daniel is working I would like to start a scrap project!

He starts March 23rd, my extra tuition job starts tomorrow, and it is Mondays and Fridays. I;m both excited, becasue I feel like I can make a difference, and nervous to how it will go in the beginning. We have about 300 children signed up. It is for children who are elligble for free or reduced lunch.

Hopefully today we will be seeing Amy to celebrate her birthday. If she is feeling better, she has been unwell with strep throat. I also need to get in some groceries.

Have a great day

Katie xx


Hello, I'm Vicki said...

ooh pancakes, yummy!! i love that handbag and your friend is lucky to get those presents xxx

Jo Power said...

What lovely pressies. We love pancakes and had a huge pancake fest on Tueday yum yum yum.

Anonymous said...

The pancakes look fantastic! Are you going to tell us more about D's job?